Monday, August 8, 2011

Dear NY INK... Im In love with you...Love Aub

Meet Ami James.
OK ok Ok oK okay...... I Am in la la la la LOOOOOVVVVEEE
[[ it may or may not be because i have a crush on this^ hottie]]  Regardless...
 The whole thing blows my mind..  I am a 20 year old lady and fairly conservative when it comes to this stuff. I've got one hole in each ear and the only permanent markings i have are from sun-exposed summers not needles, and thats the way i will stay. But i CAN NOT help but fall into deep obsession with NY INK. If you have seen it Im sure you understand. 
The first season just ended, all too soon if you ask me!
Come December I'll be back "in the New York Groove"

My Little Swimmers

I have the blessing of being a swim teacher in the summers, and i am crazzzzyy in love with it. I'm nearly certain i would do it for free! I love the kids. I love swimming. I mostly teach lower levels 1,2,&3 ( ages 3- 10 ish)
I have
The Criers- who bawl when i ask them to get there hair or face wet! I love these kids! Sad but stinking cute.
The Clingers- who latch on to my neck as soon as they get to class and hate letting go.
The Kissers- who kiss my shoulder when we are going up the slide steps and my bandaged finger everyday!
The Disobedient Darlings- who jump in and out of the water and bob up and down with out listening and when i decide its time to tell them to stop they smile with those  little angel faces so instead of a scolding i just say "look at you" or "whoa  you're a swimming machine"
The Snots- (mostly level 2&3 kids )who love to do bobs up and down which may cause some nasal drainage issues. But you have to have a little bit of the boogie with the good" i always say!
 I can honestly say i ADORE my time as a swim teacher and am so sad the summer is coming to a close.
Here are some pictures of my little lovelies!