Friday, September 9, 2011

You say goodbye and I say Ni hao.

This just in... I'm moving to China!
 Xi'an China.
To say that I am going insane with anxiety would be a serious understatement.
I am going to be living at a foster home with some adorable Chinese babies ( 3 and under)
its called Starfish.  I'm pretty pumped to spend some time volunteering with this incredible organization. That being said...  I can't remember a time in my life where i have been this scared about ANYTHING. do i speak Chinese?  Not a lick. Do i know someone who lives within five thousand miles? Nope. I don't know how i have convinced myself to go! I guess after innumerable breakdowns on my bedroom floor,countless phone calls to the girls and panic driven prayers in the middle of the night   I feel like there is something there for me. I am convinced its what i am supposed to do. Why?  i don't know. I have faith that the Lord will provide and everything will work out the way its supposed to. I leave on the 15th of September! I'll be back in December.  As i write this i don't feel like Its me I'm writing about!  I think "who is this caarraazzyyyy girl? shes out of her mind!!!!!"  The nervousness gives me nausea. I have heard it said that most people feel excited & nervous the same way... so for right now and the next 6 days i will tell myself that my brain is just confused and I'm excited and  I'm not nervous.  Here is to hoping I don't throw up! :) Classy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh. I am obsessed with you. You are going to thrive, THRIVE, THRRRIIIIVEEE in China. You've changed my life & you are going to bless the Asians simply with the way you glow. I love you Aub Till. I miss you so much already. If you come home sooner than later I will kiss you on the lips. XOXOXOXO
