Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spoiled Little Me!

I have got a birthday coming up, every year around this time I try to take a step back and evaluate what I have done with that year of my life.  As i have been doing so for year # 20  I couldn't stop feeling so INCREDIBLY spoiled. I prepared some examples.

#1- My 20th birthday party that the cutest, most supportive roommates in the world threw for me.

#2- I graduated from SNOW after 2 years of drill team, student government, kissing, crying, adventures, and a little bit of learning. I love SNOW COLLEGE so much and feel so blessed to alumni.


#3-My summer job- I dont even care that my nursing job pays double. I love it and the sun and the swimming lessons makes me happier to go to work than I can fathem. So greatful for BC pool!

#4 My family vacations- Lake Powell was a a huge highlight i love my WHOLE family and I loved having fun Jenn and Val there with us. Also the winter ski trip weekend was SO fun with all the "snoozng and treats and treats and shredding" it was near ideal. I dont deserve such a stinking fun family but I have them so I am going to hang on.

#5- My Friends- Jenn, Ash, Tay, Si, Camrie, Linds, Neighbs, Tay Tay, Campie, Andy, Deb, Hannah, Becca & Shelbs- I really feel like they love me unconditionally and I got SO lucky in this department. Frankly I am surprised they are all still around. All my friends are SO good it would have made sense for them to directly translated years ago!

#6- China, my babies. Starfish changed my life. Not a day goes by that I dont pray for them. I feel like i "found myself" and I'm a more complete person.

#7- Christmas... duh.
#8- Apt 16f - Luck. The only way that I can explain that i live with 2 people that I feel like are JUST like me, that share clothes with me and make treats and love taco tuesday as much as I do.  also... my closet, NO college girl i know has sucha luxury! Everytime I get dressed I am reminded that I am living the high life. I love my closet I love it. thank you contracter who made that single ONE closet like that! Its a college dream come true.

#9- Nursing school, I complain about it but it is AWESOME, my class is like a little family and it has been a really great hard few monthes and the late night study groups, and funny drug stories and acrinims keep me going
#10- My family, I love them and more importantly they have master the ever so difficult task of loving me. My Dad and Mom LOVE each other so much and they do the cutest nicest things for me.
 Jordan is the epitamy of a big brother, Sierra truely is MY BEST FRIEND[[ last friday she showed up at my apartment and I almost lost it, she knows me so well and I feel rejuvinated after spending some time with that beautiful gal]]

& Jace is the funnest little rambuctious kid, I love that he lets me pick out his clothes and help him with his hair, he is a stud.

I had some of the HARDEST things, Ive been at my most vulnerable and and most sad during this year which i think made me grow and realize all the good things I have. The BEST things happened this year. Im sorry to see quite possibly the best year of my life go but i am optomistic that the next one will be great great great aswell!

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